
  • 1st SME – NITK Annual Convention(6th – 7th Mar, 2020)

President: Dr. K Ram Chandar

Convenor: Prof. Harsha Vardhan

  • 2nd SME – NITK Annual Convention(5th – 6th Mar, 2021)

President: Dr. K Ram Chandar

Convenor: Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy

  • 3rd SME – NITK Annual Convention(11th – 12th Mar, 2022)

President: Dr. Mangalpady Aruna

Convenor: Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy

  • 4th SME – NITK Annual Convention(04th – 06th Oct, 2023)

President: Prof. Harsha Vardhan

Convenor: Dr. Sandi Kumar Reddy

Treasurer: Dr. B M Kunar



Upcoming Workshops:


  • The Department of Mining Engineering, NITK Surathkal is organizing a One-day workshop on "Health and Safety in Mines (HSM-25)" on 21sth March 2025.


  • The Department of Mining Engineering, NITK Surathkal, in collaboration with CSIR-CIMFR and Anna University, is organizing a Two-Day National Workshop on "Rock Blasting Innovations for Safety & Efficiency (RISE-25)" on 14th & 15th March 2025.


Completed Workshops:

  • Six days high end workshop (karyashala) on "Safety Data Analytics Applications in Mining and Other Core Industries" sponsored by DST-SERB from 06-12th March, 2024. 
  • Two days workshop on "Industrial Safety and Health" sponsored by DST-SERB from 19-20th October, 2022. 
  • A two days "Curriculum Audit Workshop" was conducted from 3-4th September, 2022.
  • One-week TEQIP-III Workshop on ‘Slope Stability and Stabilization Methods in open pit mines’ organized during 8-12th February, 2021.
  • One week ATAL-AICTE FDP on ‘Planning of Surface Mining Projects’ organized during 23-27 August, 2021.
  • Three days workshop on "Concepts of Operations Analysis and Geo-mechanics for Improved Production and Safety" during 11-13th February 2019.
  • Five days "GIAN" course on "Computer Application and Data analysis in Mining and other Core Industries" during March 12-16, 2018.
  • Two days workshop on "Minerals Beneficiation" during February 20-21, 2017.
  • Two days workshop on "Recent Trends in Environment, Health, and Safety Management in Mining and other Core Industries" during January 27-28, 2017.
  • Three day "Technology Exchange Program on Rock Blasting", September 18-20, 2014.
  • “Certificate Course in Mine Surveying” on 1st- 15th July, 2014.
  • “Certificate Course in Mine Surveying” from 30th October- 22nd November 2013.
  • "Certificate Course in Mine Surveying” from 1- 27 October, 2012.
  • “Certificate Course in Mine Surveying” from 28th May to 23rd June, 2012.
  • "Certificate Course in Mine Surveying" from 20th October - 12th November, 2011.
  • "Certificate Course in Mine Surveying" from 4th June to 3rd July, 2011. 
  • "Recent developments in environmental management in mining and other core industries", from 27th June – 3rd July, 2011.
  • “Certificate Course in Mine Surveying” from 20th October - 12th November, 2010.

Completed International Conference 2024:


International Conference on

“Mining for a Greener Future: Technological developments and Sustainable Practices”


For More Details, Please Visit:

Expert/Guest Lectures:

1. One Day Lecture Series on "Role of Rock Engineering in Nation Building" by NIRM, Bengaluru & NITK, Surathkal on 06.03.2023.

2. Guest Lecture by Prof. N. C. Karmakar, IIT-BHU on the topic "Purpose & Methodology of Research" to the Research Scholars of the Department on 09.06.2022.

3. Guest Lecture by Prof. N. C. Karmakar, IIT-BHU on the topic "Purpose & Content of Education" to the B.Tech Mining Engineering students on 08.06.2022.

4. Dr. Marutiram Khaza (Ex-GM, R&D), JSW Steel visited the department and delivered an expert lecture on 09.09.2022.

5. Shri. Damodara Reddy Chinnasane (Principal Engineer, Geotechnical, Vale Canada Ltd.) interacted with students on 19.09.2022.

6. Guest Lecture by Dr. Anjani Kumar, Former Principal Scientist, CSIR-CIMFER, Dhanbad on "Mine Waste Utilization and Management," Organized by SME on 11.03.2022.

7. SME-NITK 3rd Annual Convention during 11-12 March 2022.

8. Guest Lecture by Dr. Ajra Srikanth, Ex-Spl Secretary, Govt. of AP and Ex PS to Minister of Mines, GOI on "Career Opportunities for Mining Engineers," Organized by SME on 25th March 2022.

9. Shri. Suryanshu Choudhary, Deputy General Manager, Adani Enterprises, Ahmedabad delivered a Guest Lecture on 04.03.2020.

10. Shri. Sundar Singh R. (CTO, VIMSON) interacted with III- and IV-year students along with research scholars on the topic "Technological Innovation Opportunities in Mining" on 04.11.2019.

11. Prof. Y. P. Chugh, Southern Illinois University, USA, interacted with UG & PhD students on 13.02.2019.

12. Prof. N. C. Karmakar, Professor, IIT-BHU delivered lectures to students on 31.01.2019.

13. Shri Jagdeepak Sharma, CEO, UltraEnviro-Systems (P) Ltd., interacted with UG students.

14. Shri B. P. Pandey, Vice President, Jindal Steel Limited delivered a Guest Lecture entitled "Technological Advancements in Iron Ore Industry" on 21.08.2018.

15. Shri Prakash, General Manager HGML delivered an expert lecture to students on 29.10.2018.

16. Dr. Rameshwar Sah, DGM-R&D and SS, Jindal Steel Limited delivered a Guest Lecture entitled "Recent Trends in Steel Industry" on 03.10.2017.


Contact us

 Prof Harsh Vardhan,

 Professor and Head
 Department of Mining Engineering, NITKSurathkal
 P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
 Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473051
  • Email:

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